© Farthing Corner Airfield

The Airfield by Air

Runway length is approx 380 metres. The frequency to be used is Safetycom on 135.48MHz Note the National Grid power lines to the north of the strip. All cicuits to be to the south. The farmhouse complex on the approach to runway 24 is to be avoided and this will involve a curving approach to runway 24 and an immediate right turn after departure on runway 06. Even in light winds there is the possibility of severe turbulence from the trees on the approach to runway 06. The surface of the strip is undulating. The eastern end of the runway has a sturdy fence enclosing it. Only use the runway and taxiway. Runway 24 has a starter extension of approx 200 metres. PPR is absolutely essential. No landings without it!!


The Airfield by Road

To access the airstrip by road, leave the M2 at junction 4 and proceed north up Hoath Way. Turn right at the roundabout and immediately right again at the next roundabout. Straight ahead at the mini roundabout. Another right at the next roundabout will take you under Hoath Way and then over the M2. Take the first left into Kemsley Street Rd and carry on past the Cat Sanctuary and you will see a gate on the right with a sign saying "Stone Acre Farm". This is the airfield entrance gate which requires a code to gain entrance.